Moving into 2024 we reflect on incorporating the skills & tools developed through the previous year into our everyday lives. I was given a painting based on the heart maths article about coherent heart resonance with horses. This painting, by Maria Ingram (above) captures the essence of not only the article, but of where Sentient Clan Services sits now in Golden Bay. (The background of the beach incorporates the vista that we view on a daily basis and of the tranquility that working in this way with horses, revering their wisdom, can bring) creating a foundation for a new healing space and base for both horse and dog based therapy.

2023 was a year of great expansion but also of great loss. Early in the year we lost the beautiful Quarter Horse and “Joker” Bounty who was involved in the horse sessions with the Nelson Ark and then helped with the equine assisted sessions with Sentient Clan services. Inca and her sister Dodge also passed on within months of each other.

The biggest loss of the year was my beloved companion and therapy dog Koru; she continued to be of service in semi-retirement here in the bay to those who'd lost their own dogs, those who couldn't have a dog, and, of course, being the Intro for all our young people. She showed us how to be in the world with grace, she had great presence, good judgment and always had a little twinkle in her eye (normally when there was food involved. There's lots of stories of her helping herself to the contents of a fridge, bin amongst others!. In Jan 2024 we will mark her passing with a celebration of her life and that of all the animals and what they have given us in divine unconditional service..


95 sessions were delivered involving 17 young people

4  Dog assessments completed to date  (see images) and further 2 in progress with dog trainer.

“Thank you Karen and Rach for teaching me how to walk properly and also how to lead Maccy around properly by myself using our special connection. I loved patting Koru and also the cards and their pictures and meanings” G young person.

“Ever grateful for the care and attention Karen and Rach gave my daughter during her sessions with them and the ponies and dogs at Stonehurst Farm. As one who suffers from emotional dysregulation and a lack of trust in herself, she learnt how to centre herself to find her inner calm, how to listen to how her body felt, and how to tap into her intuition; all useful skills she has been able to transfer to other parts of her life. In this state she was able to connect with the pony at an emotional/sentient level and lead the pony around unassisted, a beautiful synergy of child and pony being in sync with each other. As a result, her confidence has grown, she is more settled, and has a greater awareness of the energetic relationship between humans and animals. (Mum of G - July)

In 2024 visits to aged care facilities in the Golden Bay area including Abbeyfield, and the aged care facility at the Golden Bay Community Hospital will be added to the range of services provided.

Thank all those who have supported Sentient Clan Services in the 2023 period  with funds, time, their dogs and of course to Sentient beings below that create the magic which is the therapy.

Read my latest blog.